Source code for xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.nodes.wrapper

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.mixins import XmlNode
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.nodes.element import ElementNode

[docs]class WrapperNode(XmlNode): """XmlNode for wrapper class fields. This node represents wrap class fields, that don't actually appear in the serialized document. These fields simplify classes and this kind of node simply proxies the child requests to the parent node. Args: parent: The parent node Attributes: ns_map: The node namespace prefix-URI map """ def __init__(self, parent: ElementNode): self.parent = parent self.ns_map = parent.ns_map
[docs] def bind( self, qname: str, text: Optional[str], tail: Optional[str], objects: List ) -> bool: """This node will never appear in the xml, so it never binds any data. Args: qname: The element qualified name text: The element text content tail: The element tail content objects: The list of intermediate parsed objects Returns: Always false because no binding takes place. """ return False
[docs] def child(self, qname: str, attrs: Dict, ns_map: Dict, position: int) -> XmlNode: """Proxy the next child node to the parent node. Args: qname: The element qualified name attrs: The element attributes ns_map: The element namespace prefix-URI map position: The current length of the intermediate objects Returns: The child xml node instance. """ return self.parent.child(qname, attrs, ns_map, position)