Source code for xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers

import json
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type

from lxml.etree import Element, QName, iterparse

from xsdata.formats.dataclass.mixins import Field, ModelInspect
from xsdata.formats.mixins import AbstractParser
from xsdata.models.enums import EventType

[docs]@dataclass class JsonParser(AbstractParser, ModelInspect):
[docs] def parse(self, source: BytesIO, clazz: Type) -> Type: """Parse the JSON input stream and return the resulting object tree.""" ctx = json.load(source) return self.parse_context(ctx, clazz)
[docs] def parse_context(self, data: Dict, model: Type) -> Type: """ Recursively build the given model from the input dict data. :raise TypeError: When parsing fails for any reason """ params = {} if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) == 1: data = data[0] for field in self.fields(model): value = self.parse_value(data, field) if not value: params[] = value elif is_dataclass(field.type): params[] = ( [self.parse_context(val, field.type) for val in value] if field.is_list else self.parse_context(value, field.type) ) else: params[] = ( list(map(field.type, value)) if field.is_list else field.type(value) ) try: return model(**params) except Exception: raise TypeError("Parsing failed")
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_value(data: Dict, field: Field): """Find the field value in the given dictionary or return the default field value.""" if field.local_name in data: value = data[field.local_name] if field.is_list and type(value) is not list: value = [value] elif callable(field.default): value = field.default() else: value = field.default return value
[docs]@dataclass class XmlParser(AbstractParser, ModelInspect):
[docs] def parse(self, source: BytesIO, clazz: Type) -> Type: """Parse the XML input stream and return the resulting object tree.""" ctx = iterparse(source=source, events=(EventType.START, EventType.END)) return self.parse_context(ctx, clazz)
[docs] def parse_context(self, context: iterparse, clazz: Type) -> Type: """Build the given model from the iterparse event data.""" _, root = next(context) namespace = self.class_meta(clazz).namespace queue = [self.class_ns_fields(clazz, namespace)] objects = [self.build_object(clazz, root)] for event, element in context: if event == EventType.START: field = self.find_field(queue, namespace, element) obj = self.build_object_from_field(field, element) objects.append(obj) elif event == EventType.END: obj = self.end_element(objects, queue, element) element.clear() return obj
[docs] def find_field( self, queue: List[Dict], namespace: Optional[str], element: Element, ) -> Field: """ Find the current field from the fields queue. If the next field is also a dataclass append its fields map to the queue for the next event """ field = queue[-1][element.tag] if field.is_dataclass: class_fields = self.class_ns_fields(field.type, namespace) queue.append(class_fields) return field
[docs] def build_object_from_field(self, field: Field, element: Element) -> Type: """Bind the current element to a dataclass or simply parse its text value.""" if not field.is_dataclass: return self.parse_value(field.type, element.text) return self.build_object(field.type, element)
[docs] def build_object(self, clazz: Type, element: Element) -> Type: """Create a new class instance by the current element attributes and text.""" params = {} for f in self.fields(clazz): if == "value" and element.text: params[] = self.parse_value(f.type, element.text) elif f.local_name in element.attrib: params[] = self.parse_value( f.type, element.attrib[f.local_name] ) return clazz(**params)
[docs] def end_element( self, objects: List[Type], queue: List[Dict], element: Element ) -> Type: """ Finalize and return the last item of the objects list. Steps: * Pop the last item of the objects * If the object is a dataclass pop the fields queue which should be the current object's fields map * If the object is not the last in the list assign or append it to the correct parent field """ obj = objects.pop() if self.is_dataclass(obj): queue.pop() if len(objects): field = queue[-1][element.tag] if field.is_list: getattr(objects[-1], else: setattr(objects[-1],, obj) return obj
[docs] def class_ns_fields( self, clazz: Type, namespace: Optional[str] ) -> Dict[str, Field]: """Returns the given class fields indexed by their namespace qualified names for easier match.""" return { QName(f.namespace or namespace, f.local_name).text: f for f in self.fields(clazz) }
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_value(tp: Type, value: Any) -> Any: """Convert xml string values to python primite types.""" return value == "true" if tp is bool else tp(value)