Source code for xsdata.parser

import io
import pathlib
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional

from lxml import etree

from xsdata.models import elements
from xsdata.models.elements import (
from xsdata.models.enums import EventType, FormType, TagType, XSDType
from xsdata.models.mixins import BaseModel
from xsdata.utils.text import snake_case

[docs]@dataclass class SchemaParser: """ A simple parser to convert an xsd schema to an easy to handle data structure based on dataclasses. The parser is a dummy as possible but it will try to normalize certain things like apply parent properties to children. """ context: etree.iterparse elements: List[BaseModel] = field(default_factory=list) element_form: Optional[FormType] = field(init=False, default=None) attribute_form: Optional[FormType] = field(init=False, default=None) target_namespace: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, source: object, target_namespace=None) -> Schema: """A shortcut class method to initialize the parser, parse the given source and return the generated Schema instance.""" ctx = etree.iterparse(source, events=(EventType.START, EventType.END)) return cls(context=ctx, target_namespace=target_namespace).parse()
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: pathlib.Path, target_namespace=None) -> Schema: """A shortcut class method for file path sources.""" if isinstance(path, str): path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() schema = cls.create(str(path), target_namespace=target_namespace) schema.location = path return schema
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, source: bytes, target_namespace=None) -> Schema: """A shortcut class method for bytes source.""" return cls.create( io.BytesIO(source), target_namespace=target_namespace )
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, source: str, target_namespace=None) -> Schema: """A shortcut class method for string source.""" return cls.from_bytes( source.encode(), target_namespace=target_namespace )
[docs] def parse(self) -> Schema: """ Main parse procedure which depends heavily on binding data classes that have all the necessary attributes to match all the possible xsd elements and attributes. Elements are initialized on the start event of the parser and assigned to the parent element on the end event. The procedure all includes start/end hooks for each element type. Elements with no attributes and text are ignored. """ methods = TagType.qnames() index = 0 for event, elem in self.context: tag = methods.get(elem.tag) if tag is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported tag `{}`".format(elem.tag) ) if event == EventType.START: builder = getattr(elements, tag.cname) element = builder.from_element(elem, index=index) self.elements.append(element) index += 1 elif event == EventType.END: element = self.elements.pop() if len(elem.attrib) == 0 and elem.text is None: continue if len(self.elements) > 0: self.assign_to_parent(element) method_name = f"{event}_{tag.value}" if hasattr(self, method_name): getattr(self, method_name)(element, elem) return element
[docs] def start_schema(self, obj: Schema, element: etree.Element): """Collect the schema's default form for attributes and elements for later usage.""" if isinstance(obj, Schema): self.element_form = obj.element_form_default self.attribute_form = obj.attribute_form_default obj.nsmap = element.nsmap if obj.target_namespace is None: if self.target_namespace is not None: obj.target_namespace = self.target_namespace
[docs] @classmethod def end_schema(cls, obj: Schema, *args): """Root elements and attributes are always qualified.""" if isinstance(obj, Schema): for element in obj.elements: element.form = FormType.QUALIFIED for attribute in obj.attributes: attribute.form = FormType.QUALIFIED
[docs] def start_element(self, obj: Element, *args): """Assign the schema's default form for elements if the given element form is None.""" if isinstance(obj, Element) and obj.form is None: obj.form = self.element_form
[docs] def start_attribute(self, obj: Attribute, *args): """Assign the schema's default form for attributes if the given attribute form is None.""" if isinstance(obj, Attribute) and obj.form is None: obj.form = self.attribute_form
[docs] @classmethod def end_choice(cls, obj: Choice, *args): """Elements inside a choice are by definition optional, reset their min occurs counter.""" if isinstance(obj, Choice): for child in obj.elements: child.min_occurs = 0 if child.max_occurs is None: child.max_occurs = obj.max_occurs
[docs] @classmethod def end_all(cls, obj: All, *args): """Elements inside an all element can by definition appear at most once, reset their max occur counter.""" if isinstance(obj, All): for child in obj.elements: child.max_occurs = 1 if child.min_occurs is None: child.min_occurs = obj.min_occurs
[docs] @classmethod def end_sequence(cls, obj: Sequence, *args): """Elements inside a sequence inherit min|max occur counter if it is not set.""" if isinstance(obj, Sequence): for child in obj.elements: if child.min_occurs is None: child.min_occurs = obj.min_occurs if child.max_occurs is None: child.max_occurs = obj.max_occurs
[docs] def assign_to_parent(self, element): """ Assign an element to its parent either in a list of same type objects or directly as an attribute. :raise ValueError when we can't assign or append the element to the correct place. This practically will mean that we encountered a new not implemented element. """ name = snake_case(type(element).__name__) parent = self.elements[-1] if hasattr(parent, name): return setattr(parent, name, element) else: plural_name = "{}s".format(name) if hasattr(parent, plural_name): siblings = getattr(parent, plural_name) if getattr(element, "type", "") == XSDType.ID.code: for sibling in siblings: if getattr(sibling, "type", "") == XSDType.ID.code: raise ValueError(f"Duplicated ID: `{element}`") return siblings.append(element) raise ValueError( "Class {} missing attribute `{}`".format( type(parent).__name__, name ) )