Formats ======= xsData code generation is easily extensible by adding format implementations. Data Classes: pydata -------------------- Generate Python Data Classes with type hints grouped in the same modules by the original schema. This is the default format and also comes with parsers and serializers for both xml and json. .. admonition:: XSD Types mapping :class: hint .. code-block:: python str: xs:anySimpleType xs:gDay xs:IDREF xs:normalizedString xs:anyURI xs:gMonth xs:IDREFS xs:NOTATION xs:base64Binary xs:gMonthDay xs:language xs:QName xs:date xs:gYear xs:Name xs:simpleDerivationSet xs:dateTime xs:gYearMonth xs:NCName xs:string xs:derivationControl xs:hexBinary xs:NMTOKEN xs:time xs:duration xs:ID xs:NMTOKENS xs:token bool: xs:boolean int: xs:byte xs:ENTITIES xs:ENTITY xs:int xs:integer xs:long xs:negativeInteger xs:nonNegativeInteger xs:nonPositiveInteger xs:positiveInteger xs:short xs:unsignedByte xs:unsignedInt xs:unsignedLong xs:unsignedShort float: xs:decimal xs:double xs:float XmlSerializer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers.XmlSerializer` .. code-block:: python >>> import pprint >>> from docs.examples.primer import PurchaseOrder, Items, Usaddress >>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import XmlSerializer >>> item = Items.Item(product_name="duct tape", quantity=99, usprice=19.99) >>> items = Items() >>> items.item.append(item) >>> >>> address = Usaddress(name="Chris", street="Sesame", city="New York", state="New York", zip="123", country="US") >>> order = PurchaseOrder(ship_to=address, bill_to=address, items=items) >>> serializer = XmlSerializer(pretty_print=True) >>> pprint.pprint(serializer.render(order)) ("\n" '\n' ' \n' ' Chris\n' ' Sesame\n' ' New York\n' ' New York\n' ' 123\n' ' \n' ' \n' ' Chris\n' ' Sesame\n' ' New York\n' ' New York\n' ' 123\n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' duct tape\n' ' 99\n' ' 19.99\n' ' \n' ' \n' '\n') >>> XmlParser ^^^^^^^^^ :class:`xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.XmlParser` .. code-block:: python >>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import XmlParser >>> parser = XmlParser() >>> order = parser.from_path("docs/examples/primer.xml", PurchaseOrder) >>> order.bill_to Usaddress(name='Robert Smith', street='8 Oak Avenue', city='Old Town', state='PA', zip=95819.0, country='US') JsonSerializer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers.JsonSerializer` .. code-block:: python from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import JsonSerializer serializer = JsonSerializer(indent=2, dict_factory=DictFactory.FILTER_NONE) JsonParser ^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.JsonParser` .. code-block:: python from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import JsonParser obj = parser.from_path("/some.json, PurchaseOrder)