****** Models ****** Dataclasses is the default output format for the code generator and ships with its own modules for xml and json marshalling. The generated models are simple python `dataclasses `_ with some optional metadata to control how the data structures are transferred during data binding. If you are working with xml documents that don't have any schema definition you can create these models manually. Basic Model =========== .. literalinclude:: examples/basic_model.py :lines: 9-26 :language: python .. literalinclude:: examples/basic_model.py :lines: 30-45 :language: xml Class Meta ========== .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 300 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Description * - name - str - The real name of the element this class represents. * - nillable - bool - Specifies whether an explicit empty value can be assigned, default: False * - namespace - str - The element xml namespace. Field Typing ============ Simply follow the Python lib `dataclasses `_ documentation. Field Metadata ============== .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 250 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Description * - name - str - The real name of the element or attribute this field represents. * - type - str - The field xml type: ``Text | Element | Attribute | Wildcard | Attributes``, default: ``Text`` or ``Element`` * - nillable - bool - Specifies whether an explicit empty value can be assigned. * - mixed - bool - Specifies whether the field supports mixed content. ([#M1]_) * - sequential - bool - Specifies whether the field value(s) must appear in sequence with other sequential sibling fields. eg ```` * - tokens - bool - Use a list to map simple values. eg ``element: List[Union[int, bool, str]] -> 1 a true -> [1, "a", True]`` * - namespace - str - Specifies the field xml namespace. ([#M2]_) The code generator adds also the field restrictions like `minLength` or `required` flag but currently they are only used to troubleshoot the code generator. .. [#M1] Mixed content must be combined ``Wildcard`` fields with type ``List[object]``. `w3schools `_ .. [#M2] It's a common practice in schema definitions to require elements to be qualified and attributes to be unqualified. ``Element`` fields with an omitted namespace inherit the namespace from the parent class/element and ``Attribute`` fields don't. If you need to break the namespace inheritance for ``Element`` fields set the namespace to an empty string ``namespace=""``. Type: Element ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This type represents a traditional xml element and can be the building block and container for other elements, attributes, text or any combination of them. .. code-block:: python annotation: List[Annotation] = field( default_factory=list, metadata=dict( name="annotation", type="Element", namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/2004/xml-schema-test-suite/", ) ) .. code-block:: xml ... ... ... ... Type: Attribute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This type represents a traditional xml attribute. .. code-block:: python language: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata=dict( name="lang", type="Attribute", namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" ) ) .. code-block:: xml Type: Wildcard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This type represents ``xs:any`` elements or elements with type ``xs:AnyType``. Wildcards can have a normal uri namespace or use one of xml schema generics. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 220 :header-rows: 1 * - Namespace - Description * - ##any - element from any namespace is allowed * - ##other - element from any namespace other than the parent's namespace * - ##local - element must come from no namespace * - ##targetNamespace - element from the namespace of the parent can be present .. code-block:: python any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata=dict( type="Wildcard", namespace="##any", ) ) This type of field accepts any primitive value or an another dataclass instance or a generic :class:`~xsdata.formats.dataclass.models.generics.AnyElement` instance. Type: Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This type represents ``xs:anyAttribute`` elements. It needs to be defined as a dictionary of. The wildcard namespace features also apply. .. code-block:: python any_attributes: Dict = field( default_factory=dict, metadata=dict( type="Attributes", namespace="##other" ) ) Type: Text ~~~~~~~~~~ This is the default field type and represents any atomic value. The value of this field is directly assigned as text to elements. .. code-block:: python @dataclass class Root: class Meta: name = "root" value: Optional[int] = field(default=None) .. code-block:: xml 2020