Generate PlantUML class diagram


class Items {
    +item : item[]
Items +-- item
class item {
    +productName : string
    +quantity : positiveInteger
    +USPrice : decimal
    +comment : string
    +shipDate : date
    +partNum : string
class PurchaseOrderType {
    +shipTo : USAddress
    +billTo : USAddress
    +comment : string
    +items : Items
    +orderDate : date
class USAddress {
    +name : string
    +street : string
    +city : string
    +state : string
    +zip : decimal
    +country : NMTOKEN
class comment {
    +value : string
class purchaseOrder {
purchaseOrder *- PurchaseOrderType


Which is translated to this nice svg



Then above output was generating by running the following command

xsdata tests/fixtures/primer/order.xsd --package order --output plantuml --print

The output was converted to svg with the plantUML cli tool

plantuml tests/fixtures/primer/order.pu -tsvg