JSON Binding


The parser has three instance methods from_string, from_bytes and from_path, to parse from memory or to let the parser load the input document.


You can optionally specify the target binding class or let the context instance to scan all imported modules for a matching dataclass.


context (XmlContext)

The cache layer for the binding directives of models and their fields. You may share a context instance between parser/serializer instances to avoid compiling the cache more than once.


it’s recommended to use a static or global instance of your parser or serializer per document type.

>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import JsonParser
>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.context import XmlContext
>>> from tests.fixtures.defxmlschema.chapter05 import Order
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> parser = JsonParser(context=XmlContext())
>>> parser.from_path(Path("../tests/fixtures/defxmlschema/chapter04.json"), Order)
Order(items=ItemsType(product=[Product(number=557, name='Short-Sleeved Linen Blouse', size=SizeType(value=10, system='US-DRESS'))]))


The serializer besides the indent option can be initialized with a custom encoder that needs to extends json.JSONEncoder and a dict_factory with your custom logic.

Example: dict factory that filters None values.

>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import JsonSerializer
>>> serializer = JsonSerializer(indent=2, dict_factory=lambda x: {k: v for k, v in x if v is not None})
>>> pprint.pprint(serializer.render(obj))
>>> ('{\n'
>>>  '  "items": {\n'
>>>  '    "product": [\n'
>>>  '      {\n'
>>>  '        "number": 557,\n'
>>>  '        "name": "Short-Sleeved Linen Blouse",\n'
>>>  '        "size": {\n'
>>>  '          "value": 10,\n'
>>>  '          "system": "US-DRESS"\n'
>>>  '        }\n'
>>>  '      }\n'
>>>  '    ]\n'
>>>  '  }\n'
>>>  '}')