Source code for xsdata.builder

from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from xsdata.logger import logger
from xsdata.models.codegen import Attr
from xsdata.models.codegen import AttrType
from xsdata.models.codegen import Class
from xsdata.models.elements import Attribute
from xsdata.models.elements import AttributeGroup
from xsdata.models.elements import ComplexType
from xsdata.models.elements import Element
from xsdata.models.elements import Enumeration
from xsdata.models.elements import Group
from xsdata.models.elements import List as ListElement
from xsdata.models.elements import Restriction
from xsdata.models.elements import Schema
from xsdata.models.elements import SimpleType
from xsdata.models.elements import Union as UnionElement
from xsdata.models.enums import DataType
from xsdata.models.enums import Namespace
from xsdata.models.enums import TagType
from xsdata.models.mixins import ElementBase
from xsdata.models.mixins import NamedField
from xsdata.utils import text

BaseElement = Union[Attribute, AttributeGroup, Element, ComplexType, SimpleType, Group]
AttributeElement = Union[
    Attribute, Element, Restriction, Enumeration, UnionElement, ListElement

[docs]@dataclass class ClassBuilder: schema: Schema target_prefix: Optional[str] = field(init=False)
[docs] def build(self) -> List[Class]: """Generate classes from schema elements.""" classes: List[Class] = [] classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.simple_types)) classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.attribute_groups)) classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.groups)) classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.attributes)) classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.complex_types)) classes.extend(map(self.build_class, self.schema.elements)) return classes
[docs] def build_class(self, obj: BaseElement) -> Class: """Build and return a class instance.""" item = Class( name=obj.real_name, is_abstract=obj.is_abstract, namespace=self.element_namespace(obj), is_mixed=obj.is_mixed, type=type(obj), extensions=self.build_class_extensions(obj), help=obj.display_help, ) self.build_class_attributes(obj, item) return item
[docs] def build_class_attributes(self, obj: ElementBase, item: Class): """ Build the target item class attributes from the given obj child elements. If exists append default value attribute. """ for child in self.element_children(obj): self.build_class_attribute(item, child) attr = self.default_class_attribute(item) if attr: item.attrs.append(attr) item.attrs.sort(key=lambda x: x.index)
[docs] def build_class_extensions(self, obj: ElementBase) -> List[AttrType]: """Return a sorted, filtered list of extensions.""" return sorted( list({ ext for ext in self.element_extensions(obj)}.values()), key=lambda x:, )
[docs] def build_data_type( self, name, index: int = 0, forward_ref: bool = False ) -> AttrType: prefix, suffix = text.split(name) native = False if prefix and ( prefix == "xml" or self.schema.nsmap.get(prefix) == Namespace.SCHEMA ): name = suffix native = True return AttrType(name=name, index=index, native=native, forward_ref=forward_ref)
[docs] def element_children(self, obj: ElementBase) -> Iterator[AttributeElement]: """Recursively find and return all child elements that are qualified to be class attributes.""" for child in obj.children(): if child.is_attribute: yield child else: yield from self.element_children(child)
[docs] def element_namespace(self, obj: NamedField) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns an element's namespace by its prefix and form. Examples: - prefixed elements returns the namespace from schema nsmap - qualified elements returns the schema target namespace - unqualified elements return an empty string - unqualified attributes return None """ prefix = obj.prefix if prefix: return self.schema.nsmap.get(prefix) elif obj.is_qualified: return self.schema.target_namespace elif isinstance(obj, Element): return "" return None
[docs] def element_extensions( self, obj: ElementBase, include_current=True ) -> Iterator[AttrType]: """ Recursively find and return all parent Extension classes. If the initial given obj has a type attribute include it in result. """ if include_current and getattr(obj, "type", None): name = getattr(obj, "type", None) yield self.build_data_type(name, index=0) for child in obj.children(): if child.is_attribute: continue for ext in child.extensions: yield self.build_data_type(ext, index=child.index) yield from self.element_extensions(child, include_current=False)
[docs] def build_class_attribute(self, parent: Class, obj: AttributeElement): """ Generate and append an attribute instance to the parent class. :raise ValueError: if types list is empty """ types = self.build_class_attribute_types(parent, obj) parent.attrs.append( Attr( index=obj.index, name=obj.real_name, default=getattr(obj, "default", None), types=types, local_type=type(obj).__name__, help=obj.display_help, namespace=self.element_namespace(obj), **obj.get_restrictions(), ) )
[docs] def build_class_attribute_types( self, parent: Class, obj: AttributeElement ) -> List[AttrType]: """Convert real type and anonymous inner elements to an attribute type list.""" inner_class = self.build_inner_class(obj) types = list( map( self.build_data_type, [name for name in (obj.real_type or "").split(" ") if name], ) ) if inner_class: parent.inner.append(inner_class) types.append(AttrType(, forward_ref=True)) if len(types) == 0: types.append(AttrType(name=DataType.STRING.code, native=True)) return types
[docs] def build_inner_class(self, obj: AttributeElement) -> Optional[Class]: """Convert anonymous type to class to be appended in the parent inner class list.""" if self.has_anonymous_class(obj): complex_type = obj.complex_type # type: ignore = # type: ignore obj.complex_type = None # type: ignore return self.build_class(complex_type) # type: ignore if self.has_anonymous_enumeration(obj): simple_type = obj.simple_type # type: ignore = obj.real_name # type: ignore obj.type = None # type: ignore obj.simple_type = None # type: ignore return self.build_class(simple_type) # type: ignore if isinstance(obj, UnionElement) and obj.simple_types: # Only the last occurrence will be converted. It doesn't make sense # to have a union with two anonymous enumerations. for i in range(len(obj.simple_types) - 1, -1, -1): if obj.simple_types[i].is_enumeration: simple_type = obj.simple_types.pop(i) = obj.real_name return self.build_class(simple_type) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def has_anonymous_class(obj: AttributeElement) -> bool: """Check if the attribute element contains anonymous complex type.""" return ( isinstance(obj, Element) and obj.real_type is None and obj.complex_type is not None )
[docs] @staticmethod def has_anonymous_enumeration(obj: AttributeElement) -> bool: """Check if the attribute element contains anonymous restriction with enumeration facet.""" return ( isinstance(obj, (Attribute, Element)) and obj.type is None and obj.simple_type is not None and obj.simple_type.is_enumeration )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_class_attribute(item: Class) -> Optional[Attr]: types = [] if len(item.extensions) == 0 and len(item.attrs) == 0: types.append(AttrType(name=DataType.STRING.code, native=True)) logger.warning(f"Empty class: `{}`") elif not item.is_enumeration: for i in range(len(item.extensions) - 1, -1, -1): if item.extensions[i].native: types.insert(0, item.extensions.pop(i)) if types: return Attr( name="value", index=0, default=None, types=types, local_type=TagType.EXTENSION, ) return None