xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers module

class xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.JsonParser(name_generator=<function ModelInspect.<lambda>>, cache=<factory>)[source]

Bases: xsdata.formats.mixins.AbstractParser, xsdata.formats.dataclass.mixins.ModelInspect

parse(source, clazz)[source]

Parse the JSON input stream and return the resulting object tree.

Return type


parse_context(data, clazz)[source]

Recursively build the given model from the input dict data.


TypeError – When parsing fails for any reason

Return type


bind_value(var, value)[source]

Bind value according to the class var.

The return value can be: - a dataclass instance - a dictionary with unknown attributes - a list of unknown elements - an enumeration - a primitive value

Return type


static get_value(data, field)[source]

Find the field value in the given dictionary or return the default field value.

cache = None
class xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.QueueItem(index, position, default=None, qname=None, meta=None, types=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

index: int = None
position: int = None
default: Any = None
qname: Optional[str] = None
meta: Optional[xsdata.formats.dataclass.mixins.ClassMeta] = None
types: List[Type] = None
class xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.XmlParser(name_generator=<function ModelInspect.<lambda>>, cache=<factory>, index=<factory>)[source]

Bases: xsdata.formats.mixins.AbstractXmlParser, xsdata.formats.dataclass.mixins.ModelInspect

index: int = None
queue: List[Optional[QueueItem]] = None
namespace: Optional[str] = None
objects: List[Tuple[QName, Any]] = None
parse_context(context, clazz)[source]

Dispatch elements to handlers as they arrive and are fully parsed.

Initialize queue with clazz metadata and reset pending objects list.


ValueError – When the requested type doesn’t match the result object

Return type



Queue the necessary metadata to bind the given element when it’s fully parsed.

Checks for the last item in queue: - Is none or has none meta -> inside a wildcard - Element tag exists in known variables -> dataclass or primitive - Element tag equals meta qualified name -> root element - Element tag unknown but queue supports wildcard -> start a wildcard


Value – When the parser doesn’t know how to handle the given element.

create_queue_item(var, parent_qname)[source]

Build an objects tree for the given element.

Construct a dataclass instance with the attributes of the given element and any pending objects that belong to the model. Otherwise parse as a primitive type the element’s text content.

Returns object

A dataclass object or a python primitive value.

Return type


emit_event(event, name, **kwargs)[source]

Call if exist the parser’s hook for the given element and event.

fetch_class_children(item, element)[source]

Return a dictionary of qualified object names and their values for the given queue item.


ValueError – if queue item type is primitive.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

Return type


bind_element_attrs(metadata, element)[source]

Parse the given element’s attributes and any text content and return a dictionary of field names and values based on the given class metadata.

Return type


bind_element_text(metadata, element)[source]
classmethod parse_any_element(element)[source]
Return type


classmethod element_text_and_tail(element)[source]
Return type
