Source code for xsdata.models.enums

from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional

from lxml.etree import QName

[docs]class Namespace(Enum): XS = "" XML = "" XSI = "" XLINK = "" @property def uri(self): return self.value @property def prefix(self): return @property def location(self): return ( Path(__file__) .absolute() .parent.parent.joinpath(f"schemas/{self.prefix}.xsd") )
[docs] @classmethod def get_enum(cls, uri: Optional[str]) -> Optional["Namespace"]: return __STANDARD_NAMESPACES__.get(uri) if uri else None
__STANDARD_NAMESPACES__ = {ns.uri: ns for ns in Namespace}
[docs]class QNames: ALL = QName("__all__") XSI_NIL = QName(Namespace.XSI.uri, "nil") XSI_TYPE = QName(Namespace.XSI.uri, "type")
[docs]class NamespaceType(Enum): """ :cvar ANY: elements from any namespace is allowed :cvar OTHER: elements from any namespace other than the parent element's namespace :cvar LOCAL: elements must come from no namespace :cvar TARGET: elements from the namespace of the parent element can be present """ ANY = "##any" OTHER = "##other" LOCAL = "##local" TARGET = "##targetNamespace"
[docs] @classmethod def get_enum(cls, value: str) -> Optional["NamespaceType"]: try: return NamespaceType(value) except ValueError: return None
[docs]class FormType(Enum): QUALIFIED = "qualified" UNQUALIFIED = "unqualified"
[docs]class Mode(Enum): NONE = "none" SUFFIX = "suffix" INTERLEAVE = "interleave"
[docs]class DataType(Enum): # xsdata custom any type QMAP = ("qmap", (QName, str)) OBJECT = ("object", object) # xsd and xml data types ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE = ("anyAtomicType", str) ANY_URI = ("anyURI", str) ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE = ("anySimpleType", str) ANY_TYPE = ("anyType", object) BASE = ("base", str) BASE64_BINARY = ("base64Binary", str) BOOLEAN = ("boolean", bool) BYTE = ("byte", int) DATE = ("date", str) DATE_TIME = ("dateTime", str) DATE_TIMESTAMP = ("dateTimeStamp", str) DAY_TIME_DURATION = ("dayTimeDuration", str) YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = ("yearMonthDuration", str) DECIMAL = ("decimal", Decimal) DERIVATION_CONTROL = ("derivationControl", str) DOUBLE = ("double", Decimal) DURATION = ("duration", str) ENTITIES = ("ENTITIES", int) ENTITY = ("ENTITY", int) FLOAT = ("float", float) G_DAY = ("gDay", str) G_MONTH = ("gMonth", str) G_MONTH_DAY = ("gMonthDay", str) G_YEAR = ("gYear", str) G_YEAR_MONTH = ("gYearMonth", str) HEX_BINARY = ("hexBinary", str) ID = ("ID", str) IDREF = ("IDREF", str) IDREFS = ("IDREFS", str) INT = ("int", int) INTEGER = ("integer", int) LANG = ("lang", str) LANGUAGE = ("language", str) LONG = ("long", int) NAME = ("Name", str) NCNAME = ("NCName", str) NEGATIVE_INTEGER = ("negativeInteger", int) NMTOKEN = ("NMTOKEN", str) NMTOKENS = ("NMTOKENS", str) NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER = ("nonNegativeInteger", int) NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER = ("nonPositiveInteger", int) NORMALIZED_STRING = ("normalizedString", str) NOTATION = ("NOTATION", str) POSITIVE_INTEGER = ("positiveInteger", int) QNAME = ("QName", QName) SHORT = ("short", int) SIMPLE_DERIVATION_SET = ("simpleDerivationSet", str) STRING = ("string", str) TIME = ("time", str) TOKEN = ("token", str) UNSIGNED_BYTE = ("unsignedByte", int) UNSIGNED_INT = ("unsignedInt", int) UNSIGNED_LONG = ("unsignedLong", int) UNSIGNED_SHORT = ("unsignedShort", int) def __init__(self, code: str, local: type): self.code = code self.local = local @property def xml_prefixed(self): return f"xml:{self.code}" @property def local_name(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.local, Iterable): return ", ".join([local.__name__ for local in self.local]) return self.local.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def get_enum(cls, code: str) -> Optional["DataType"]: return __XSDType__.get(code) if code else None
__XSDType__ = {xsd.code: xsd for xsd in DataType}
[docs]class EventType: START = "start" END = "end"
[docs]class Tag: ALL = "All" ANNOTATION = "Annotation" ANY = "Any" ANY_ATTRIBUTE = "AnyAttribute" APPINFO = "Appinfo" ASSERTION = "Assertion" ATTRIBUTE = "Attribute" ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = "AttributeGroup" CHOICE = "Choice" COMPLEX_CONTENT = "ComplexContent" COMPLEX_TYPE = "ComplexType" DOCUMENTATION = "Documentation" ELEMENT = "Element" EXTENSION = "Extension" FIELD = "Field" GROUP = "Group" IMPORT = "Import" INCLUDE = "Include" KEY = "Key" KEYREF = "Keyref" LIST = "List" NOTATION = "Notation" REDEFINE = "Redefine" RESTRICTION = "Restriction" SCHEMA = "Schema" SELECTOR = "Selector" SEQUENCE = "Sequence" SIMPLE_CONTENT = "SimpleContent" SIMPLE_TYPE = "SimpleType" UNION = "Union" UNIQUE = "Unique" # Restrictions ENUMERATION = "Enumeration" FRACTION_DIGITS = "FractionDigits" LENGTH = "Length" MAX_EXCLUSIVE = "MaxExclusive" MAX_INCLUSIVE = "MaxInclusive" MAX_LENGTH = "MaxLength" MIN_EXCLUSIVE = "MinExclusive" MIN_INCLUSIVE = "MinInclusive" MIN_LENGTH = "MinLength" PATTERN = "Pattern" TOTAL_DIGITS = "TotalDigits" WHITE_SPACE = "WhiteSpace"
[docs]class UseType(Enum): OPTIONAL = "optional" PROHIBITED = "prohibited" REQUIRED = "required"
[docs]class ProcessType(Enum): LAX = "lax" SKIP = "skip" STRICT = "strict"