xsdata.parser module

class xsdata.parser.SchemaParser(index=<factory>, context=<factory>, target_namespace=None, default_attributes=None, default_open_content=None, schema_location=None)[source]

Bases: xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.xml.XmlParser

A simple parser to convert an xsd schema to an easy to handle data structure based on dataclasses.

The parser is a dummy as possible but it will try to normalize certain things like apply parent properties to children.

element_form: Optional[xsdata.models.enums.FormType] = None
attribute_form: Optional[xsdata.models.enums.FormType] = None
target_namespace: Optional[str] = None
default_attributes: Optional[str] = None
default_open_content: Optional[xsdata.models.elements.DefaultOpenContent] = None
schema_location: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
Return type


Return type



Override parent method to skip empty elements and to set the object index.

Return type


start_schema(element, item)[source]

Collect the schema’s default form for attributes and elements for later usage.


Set the default form type for elements and attributes.

Global elements and attributes are by default qualified.

set_schema_namespaces(obj, element)[source]

Set the given schema’s target namespace and add the default namespaces if the are missing xsi, xlink, xml, xs.

static set_namespace_map(element, obj)[source]
static add_default_imports(obj)[source]

Add missing imports to the standard schemas if the namespace is declared and.


Resolve the locations of the schema overrides, redefines, includes and imports relatively to the schema location.


Resolve the given location string relatively the schema location path.

Return type


resolve_local_path(location, namespace)[source]

Resolve the given namespace to one of the local standard schemas or fallback to the external file path.

end_attribute(obj, element)[source]

Assign the schema’s default form for attributes if the given attribute form is None.

end_complex_type(obj, element)[source]

Prepend an attribute group reference when default attributes apply.

end_default_open_content(obj, element)[source]
end_element(obj, element)[source]

Assign the schema’s default form for elements if the given element form is None.

end_extension(obj, element)[source]
classmethod end_open_content(obj, element)[source]
end_restriction(obj, element)[source]
end_schema(obj, element)[source]

Normalize various properties for the schema and it’s children.