Source code for xsdata.utils.codegen

from typing import List
from typing import Optional

from lxml.etree import QName

from xsdata.models.codegen import Attr
from xsdata.models.codegen import AttrType
from xsdata.models.codegen import Class
from xsdata.models.codegen import Extension
from xsdata.models.codegen import Restrictions
from xsdata.models.enums import DataType
from xsdata.models.enums import TagType
from xsdata.utils import text

[docs]class ClassUtils: INCLUDES_NONE = 0 INCLUDES_SOME = 1 INCLUDES_ALL = 2
[docs] @classmethod def compare_attributes(cls, source: Class, target: Class): if source is target: return cls.INCLUDES_ALL elif not target.attrs: return cls.INCLUDES_NONE source_attrs = { for attr in source.attrs} target_attrs = { for attr in target.attrs} difference = source_attrs - target_attrs if not difference: return cls.INCLUDES_ALL elif len(difference) != len(source_attrs): return cls.INCLUDES_SOME else: return cls.INCLUDES_NONE
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_attributes(cls, target: Class): for attr in target.attrs: cls.sanitize_attribute(attr) cls.sanitize_restrictions(attr.restrictions) for i in range(len(target.attrs)): cls.sanitize_attribute_sequence(target.attrs, i) cls.sanitize_attribute_name(target.attrs, i) for inner in target.inner: cls.sanitize_attributes(inner)
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_attribute(cls, attr: Attr): if attr.is_list: attr.fixed = False else: attr.restrictions.sequential = False if attr.is_optional: attr.fixed = False attr.default = None
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_restrictions(cls, restrictions: Restrictions): min_occurs = restrictions.min_occurs or 0 max_occurs = restrictions.max_occurs or 0 if min_occurs == 0 and max_occurs <= 1: restrictions.required = None restrictions.min_occurs = None restrictions.max_occurs = None if min_occurs == 1 and max_occurs == 1: restrictions.required = True restrictions.min_occurs = None restrictions.max_occurs = None elif restrictions.max_occurs and max_occurs > 1: restrictions.min_occurs = min_occurs restrictions.required = None
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_attribute_sequence(cls, attrs: List[Attr], index: int): """Reset the attribute at the given index if it has no siblings with the sequential restriction.""" if ( not attrs[index].restrictions.sequential or (index - 1 >= 0 and attrs[index - 1].restrictions.sequential) or (index + 1 < len(attrs) and attrs[index + 1].restrictions.sequential) ): return attrs[index].restrictions.sequential = False
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize_attribute_name(cls, attrs: List[Attr], index: int): """Check if the attribute at the given index has a duplicate name and prepend if exists the attribute namespace.""" current = attrs[index] = text.suffix( exists = any( [ attr is not current and == text.suffix( for attr in attrs ] ) if exists and current.namespace: = f"{current.namespace}_{}"
[docs] @classmethod def merge_duplicate_attributes(cls, target: Class): """ Flatten duplicate attributes. Remove duplicate fields in case of attributes or enumerations otherwise convert fields to lists. """ if not target.attrs: return result: List[Attr] = [] for attr in target.attrs: pos = cls.find_attribute(result, attr) existing = result[pos] if pos > -1 else None if not existing: result.append(attr) elif not (attr.is_attribute or attr.is_enumeration): min_occurs = existing.restrictions.min_occurs or 0 max_occurs = existing.restrictions.max_occurs or 1 attr_min_occurs = attr.restrictions.min_occurs or 0 attr_max_occurs = attr.restrictions.max_occurs or 1 existing.restrictions.min_occurs = min(min_occurs, attr_min_occurs) existing.restrictions.max_occurs = max_occurs + attr_max_occurs existing.fixed = False existing.restrictions.sequential = ( existing.restrictions.sequential or attr.restrictions.sequential ) target.attrs = result
[docs] @classmethod def copy_attributes(cls, source: Class, target: Class, extension: Extension): prefix = text.prefix( target.extensions.remove(extension) target_attr_names = {text.suffix( for attr in target.attrs} index = 0 for attr in source.attrs: if text.suffix( not in target_attr_names: clone = cls.clone_attribute(attr, extension.restrictions, prefix) target.attrs.insert(index, clone) index += 1 cls.copy_inner_classes(source, target)
[docs] @classmethod def clone_attribute( cls, attr: Attr, restrictions: Restrictions, prefix: Optional[str] = None ): clone = attr.clone() clone.restrictions.merge(restrictions) if prefix: for attr_type in clone.types: if not attr_type.native and":") == -1: = f"{prefix}:{}" return clone
[docs] @classmethod def copy_inner_classes(cls, source: Class, target: Class): for inner in source.inner: exists = next( (found for found in target.inner if ==, None ) if not exists: target.inner.append(inner)
[docs] @classmethod def create_default_attribute(cls, item: Class, extension: Extension): if extension.type.native_code == DataType.ANY_TYPE.code: attr = Attr( name="##any_element", local_name="##any_element", index=0, wildcard=True, default=list if extension.restrictions.is_list else None, types=[extension.type.clone()], local_type=TagType.ANY, restrictions=extension.restrictions.clone(), ) else: attr = Attr( name="value", local_name="value", index=0, default=None, types=[extension.type.clone()], local_type=TagType.EXTENSION, restrictions=extension.restrictions.clone(), ) item.attrs.insert(0, attr) item.extensions.remove(extension)
[docs] @classmethod def create_reference_attribute(cls, source: Class, qname: QName): prefix = None if qname.namespace != source.source_namespace: prefix = source.source_prefix reference = f"{prefix}:{}" if prefix else return Attr(,, index=0, default=None, types=[AttrType(name=reference)], local_type=source.type.__name__, namespace=source.namespace, )
[docs] @classmethod def find_attribute(cls, attrs: List[Attr], attr: Attr): try: return attrs.index(attr) except ValueError: return -1