============ Command Line ============ Make sure the cli requirements are installed. .. code-block:: console $ pip install xsdata[cli] .. command-output:: xsdata --help Generate Code ============= .. command-output:: xsdata generate --help .. admonition:: See also :class: hint - :ref:`Compound fields ` - :ref:`Docstring styles` .. code-block:: console :caption: Scan directory for xsd, wsdl, xml files $ xsdata amadeus/schemas --package amadeus.models .. code-block:: console :caption: Convert a local schema $ xsdata air_v48_0/AirReqRsp.xsd rail_v48_0/RailReqRsp.xsd --package travelport.models .. code-block:: console :caption: Convert a remote schema $ xsdata http://www.gstatic.com/localfeed/local_feed.xsd --package feeds --print .. code-block:: console :caption: Convert a remote xml file $ xsdata https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/1f9df192-a621-4f54-8850-2c5373b7eac9 --print Output plugins -------------- - `PlantUML `_ class diagrams Initialize Config ================= Initialize a project configuration with more advanced features, see :ref:`more `. .. command-output:: xsdata init-config --help .. code-block:: console $ xsdata amadeus/schemas --config amadeus/.xsdata.xml Download Schemas ================ .. command-output:: xsdata download --help .. admonition:: Examples :class: hint Check the :doc:`examples` and the `samples repo `_ for more ✨✨✨