==================== Dataclasses Features ==================== The code generator uses the default :mod:`python:dataclasses` options but you can toggle all of them through the cli flags or a :ref:`generator config ` .. literalinclude:: /../tests/fixtures/stripe/.xsdata.xml :language: xml :lines: 2-6 .. tab:: Frozen Model The code generator will use tuples instead of lists as well. .. literalinclude:: /../tests/fixtures/stripe/models/balance.py :language: python :lines: 93-127 .. tab:: Frozen Bindings .. testcode:: import pprint from tests import fixtures_dir from tests.fixtures.stripe.models import Balance from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import JsonParser xml_path = fixtures_dir.joinpath("stripe/samples/balance.json") parser = JsonParser() root = parser.from_path(xml_path, Balance) pprint.pprint(root.pending) .. testoutput:: (Pending(amount=835408472, currency='usd', source_types=SourceTypes(bank_account=0, card=835408472)), Pending(amount=-22251, currency='eur', source_types=SourceTypes(bank_account=0, card=-22251)))