Command Line

Make sure the cli requirements are installed.

$ pip install xsdata[cli]
xsdata --help
Usage: xsdata [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  xsdata command line interface.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  generate*    Generate code from xml schemas, webservice definitions and...
  download     Download a schema or a definition locally with all its...
  init-config  Create or update a configuration file.

Generate Code

xsdata generate --help
Usage: xsdata generate [OPTIONS] SOURCE

  Generate code from xml schemas, webservice definitions and any xml or json

  The input source can be either a filepath, uri or a directory containing
  xml, json, xsd and wsdl files.

  -r, --recursive                 Search files recursively in the source
  -c, --config TEXT               Project configuration
  -pp, --print                    Print output
  -p, --package TEXT              Target package, default: generated
  -o, --output [dataclasses]      Output format name, default: dataclasses
  --repr / --no-repr              Generate __repr__ method, default: true
  --eq / --no-eq                  Generate __eq__ method, default: true
  --order / --no-order            Generate __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__
                                  methods, default: false
  --unsafe-hash / --no-unsafe-hash
                                  Generate __hash__ method if not frozen,
                                  default: false
  --frozen / --no-frozen          Enable read only properties, default false
  --slots / --no-slots            Enable __slots__, default: false,
                                  python>=3.10 Only
  --kw-only / --no-kw-only        Enable keyword only arguments, default:
                                  false, python>=3.10 Only
  -ss, --structure-style [filenames|namespaces|clusters|single-package|namespace-clusters]
                                  Output structure style, default: filenames
  -ds, --docstring-style [reStructuredText|NumPy|Google|Accessible|Blank]
                                  Docstring style, default: reStructuredText
  --relative-imports / --no-relative-imports
                                  Use relative imports, default: false
  --compound-fields / --no-compound-fields
                                  Use compound fields for repeatable elements,
                                  default: false
  -mll, --max-line-length INTEGER
                                  Adjust the maximum line length, default: 79
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Scan directory for xsd, wsdl, xml files
$ xsdata amadeus/schemas --package amadeus.models
Convert a local schema
$ xsdata air_v48_0/AirReqRsp.xsd --package travelport.models
Convert a remote schema
$ xsdata --package feeds --print
Convert a remote xml file
$ xsdata --print

Output plugins

Circular imports

Python is vulnerable to xsd circular imports. xsData by default groups all classes by the schema location they are defined. This works well for schemas that avoid circular imports. If you get import errors you should try one of the alternative structure styles.


This style will identify the strongly connected classes and will group them together, creating as many modules as possible. The modules are named after the the main class of the group.

$ xsdata schema.xsd --package models --structure-style clusters


This style will group classes by the target namespace they were originally defined. It works well when the types of a namespace are spread across multiple schemas eg. type substitutions, redefines.

$ xsdata schema.xsd --package models --structure-style namespaces

Since v21.8, the generator converts namespaces to packages similar to jaxb in order to facilitate runs against multiple schemas from the same vendor.

Examples (before naming conventions)






This style combines the clusters and the namespace styles. It will fail if there are strongly connected classes in the same graph from different namespaces.

$ xsdata schema.xsd --package models --structure-style namespace-clusters


This style will group all classes together into a single package eliminating imports altogether.

$ xsdata schema.xsd --package models --structure-style single-package

Initialize Config

Initialize a project configuration with more advanced features, see more.

xsdata init-config --help
Usage: xsdata init-config [OPTIONS] [OUTPUT]

  Create or update a configuration file.

  -pp, --print  Print output
  --help        Show this message and exit.
$ xsdata amadeus/schemas --config amadeus/.xsdata.xml

Download Schemas

xsdata download --help
Usage: xsdata download [OPTIONS] SOURCE

  Download a schema or a definition locally with all its dependencies.

  -o, --output PATH  Output directory, default cwd
  --help             Show this message and exit.


Check the Examples and the samples repo for more ✨✨✨