Source code for xsdata.formats.dataclass.models.elements

import itertools
import operator
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type

from xsdata.formats.converter import converter
from xsdata.models.enums import NamespaceType
from xsdata.utils import collections
from xsdata.utils.namespaces import local_name
from xsdata.utils.namespaces import target_uri

NoneType = type(None)

class XmlType:
    """Xml node types."""

    TEXT = sys.intern("Text")
    ELEMENT = sys.intern("Element")
    ELEMENTS = sys.intern("Elements")
    WILDCARD = sys.intern("Wildcard")
    ATTRIBUTE = sys.intern("Attribute")
    ATTRIBUTES = sys.intern("Attributes")
    IGNORE = sys.intern("Ignore")

class MetaMixin:
    """Use this mixin for unit tests only!!!"""

    __slots__: Tuple[str, ...] = ()

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        return tuple(self) == tuple(other)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
        for name in self.__slots__:
            yield getattr(self, name)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        params = (f"{name}={getattr(self, name)!r}" for name in self.__slots__)
        return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}({', '.join(params)})"

[docs]class XmlVar(MetaMixin): """ Class field binding metadata. :param index: Field ordering :param name: Field name :param qname: Qualified name :param types: List of all the supported data types :param init: Include field in the constructor :param mixed: Field supports mixed content type values :param tokens: Field is derived from xs:list :param format: Value format information :param derived: Wrap parsed values with a generic type :param any_type: Field supports dynamic value types :param required: Field is mandatory :param nillable: Field supports nillable content :param sequential: Render values in sequential mode :param list_element: Field is a list of elements :param default: Field default value or factory :param xml_Type: Field xml type :param namespaces: List of the supported namespaces :param elements: Mapping of qname-repeatable elements :param wildcards: List of repeatable wildcards :param wrapper: A name for the wrapper. Applies for list types only. """ __slots__ = ( "index", "name", "qname", "types", "clazz", "init", "mixed", "factory", "tokens_factory", "format", "derived", "any_type", "required", "nillable", "sequential", "default", "namespaces", "elements", "wildcards", "wrapper", # Calculated "tokens", "list_element", "is_text", "is_element", "is_elements", "is_wildcard", "is_attribute", "is_attributes", "namespace_matches", "is_clazz_union", "local_name", ) def __init__( self, index: int, name: str, qname: str, types: Sequence[Type], clazz: Optional[Type], init: bool, mixed: bool, factory: Optional[Callable], tokens_factory: Optional[Callable], format: Optional[str], derived: bool, any_type: bool, required: bool, nillable: bool, sequential: bool, default: Any, xml_type: str, namespaces: Sequence[str], elements: Mapping[str, "XmlVar"], wildcards: Sequence["XmlVar"], wrapper: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): self.index = index = name self.qname = qname self.types = types self.clazz = clazz self.init = init self.mixed = mixed self.tokens = tokens_factory is not None self.format = format self.derived = derived self.any_type = any_type self.required = required self.nillable = nillable self.sequential = sequential self.list_element = factory in (list, tuple) self.default = default self.namespaces = namespaces self.elements = elements self.wildcards = wildcards self.wrapper = wrapper self.factory = factory self.tokens_factory = tokens_factory self.namespace_matches: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None self.is_clazz_union = self.clazz and len(types) > 1 self.local_name = local_name(qname) self.is_text = False self.is_element = False self.is_elements = False self.is_wildcard = False self.is_attribute = False self.is_attributes = False if xml_type == XmlType.ELEMENT or self.clazz: self.is_element = True elif xml_type == XmlType.ELEMENTS: self.is_elements = True elif xml_type == XmlType.ATTRIBUTE: self.is_attribute = True elif xml_type == XmlType.ATTRIBUTES: self.is_attributes = True elif xml_type == XmlType.WILDCARD: self.is_wildcard = True else: self.is_text = True @property def element_types(self) -> Set[Type]: return {tp for element in self.elements.values() for tp in element.types}
[docs] def find_choice(self, qname: str) -> Optional["XmlVar"]: """Match and return a choice field by its qualified name.""" match = self.elements.get(qname) return match or find_by_namespace(self.wildcards, qname)
[docs] def find_value_choice(self, value: Any, is_class: bool) -> Optional["XmlVar"]: """ Match and return a choice field that matches the given value. Cases: - value is none or empty tokens list: look for a nillable choice - value is a dataclass: look for exact type or a subclass - value is primitive: test value against the converter """ is_tokens = collections.is_array(value) if value is None or (not value and is_tokens): return self.find_nillable_choice(is_tokens) if is_class: return self.find_clazz_choice(type(value)) return self.find_primitive_choice(value, is_tokens)
def find_nillable_choice(self, is_tokens: bool) -> Optional["XmlVar"]: return collections.first( element for element in self.elements.values() if element.nillable and is_tokens == element.tokens ) def find_clazz_choice(self, tp: Type) -> Optional["XmlVar"]: derived = None for element in self.elements.values(): if element.clazz: if tp in element.types: return element if derived is None and any(issubclass(tp, t) for t in element.types): derived = element return derived def find_primitive_choice(self, value: Any, is_tokens: bool) -> Optional["XmlVar"]: tp = type(value) if not is_tokens else type(value[0]) for element in self.elements.values(): if (element.any_type or element.clazz) or element.tokens != is_tokens: continue if tp in element.types: return element if is_tokens and all(converter.test(val, element.types) for val in value): return element if converter.test(value, element.types): return element return None
[docs] def is_optional(self, value: Any) -> bool: """Return whether this var instance is not required and the given value matches the default one.""" if self.required: return False if callable(self.default): return self.default() == value return self.default == value
[docs] def match_namespace(self, qname: str) -> bool: """Match the given qname to the wildcard allowed namespaces.""" if self.namespace_matches is None: self.namespace_matches = {} matches = self.namespace_matches.get(qname) if matches is None: matches = self._match_namespace(qname) self.namespace_matches[qname] = matches return matches
def _match_namespace(self, qname: str) -> bool: uri = target_uri(qname) if not self.namespaces and uri is None: return True for check in self.namespaces: if ( (not check and uri is None) or check == uri or check == NamespaceType.ANY_NS or (check and check[0] == "!" and check[1:] != uri) ): return True return False
get_index = operator.attrgetter("index")
[docs]class XmlMeta(MetaMixin): """ Class binding metadata. :param clazz: The dataclass type :param qname: The namespace qualified name. :param target_qname: The target namespace qualified name. :param nillable: Specifies whether an explicit empty value can be assigned. :param mixed_content: Has a wildcard with mixed flag enabled :param text: Text var :param choices: List of compound vars :param elements: Mapping of qname-element vars :param wildcards: List of wildcard vars :param attributes: Mapping of qname-attribute vars :param any_attributes: List of wildcard attributes vars """ __slots__ = ( "clazz", "qname", "target_qname", "nillable", "text", "choices", "elements", "wildcards", "attributes", "any_attributes", "wrappers", # Calculated "namespace", "mixed_content", ) def __init__( self, clazz: Type, qname: str, target_qname: Optional[str], nillable: bool, text: Optional[XmlVar], choices: Sequence[XmlVar], elements: Mapping[str, Sequence[XmlVar]], wildcards: Sequence[XmlVar], attributes: Mapping[str, XmlVar], any_attributes: Sequence[XmlVar], wrappers: Mapping[str, Sequence[XmlVar]], **kwargs: Any, ): self.clazz = clazz self.qname = qname self.namespace = target_uri(qname) self.target_qname = target_qname self.nillable = nillable self.text = text self.choices = choices self.elements = elements self.wildcards = wildcards self.attributes = attributes self.any_attributes = any_attributes self.mixed_content = any(wildcard.mixed for wildcard in self.wildcards) self.wrappers = wrappers @property def element_types(self) -> Set[Type]: return { tp for elements in self.elements.values() for element in elements for tp in element.types } def get_element_vars(self) -> List[XmlVar]: result = list( itertools.chain(self.wildcards, self.choices, *self.elements.values()) ) if self.text: result.append(self.text) return sorted(result, key=get_index) def get_attribute_vars(self) -> List[XmlVar]: result = itertools.chain(self.any_attributes, self.attributes.values()) return sorted(result, key=get_index) def get_all_vars(self) -> List[XmlVar]: result = list( itertools.chain( self.wildcards, self.choices, self.any_attributes, self.attributes.values(), *self.elements.values(), ) ) if self.text: result.append(self.text) return sorted(result, key=get_index) def find_attribute(self, qname: str) -> Optional[XmlVar]: return self.attributes.get(qname) def find_any_attributes(self, qname: str) -> Optional[XmlVar]: return find_by_namespace(self.any_attributes, qname)
[docs] def find_wildcard(self, qname: str) -> Optional[XmlVar]: """Match the given qualified name to a wildcard and optionally to one of its choice elements.""" wildcard = find_by_namespace(self.wildcards, qname) if wildcard and wildcard.elements: choice = wildcard.find_choice(qname) if choice: return choice return wildcard
def find_any_wildcard(self) -> Optional[XmlVar]: if self.wildcards: return self.wildcards[0] return None def find_children(self, qname: str) -> Iterator[XmlVar]: elements = self.elements.get(qname) if elements: yield from elements for choice in self.choices: match = choice.find_choice(qname) if match: yield match chd = self.find_wildcard(qname) if chd: yield chd
def find_by_namespace(xml_vars: Sequence[XmlVar], qname: str) -> Optional[XmlVar]: for xml_var in xml_vars: if xml_var.match_namespace(qname): return xml_var return None