Source code for xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.nodes.element

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Type

from xsdata.exceptions import ParserError
from xsdata.formats.converter import converter
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.context import XmlContext
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.models.elements import XmlMeta
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.models.elements import XmlVar
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import nodes
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.config import ParserConfig
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.mixins import XmlNode
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.utils import ParserUtils
from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.utils import PendingCollection
from xsdata.logger import logger
from xsdata.models.enums import DataType
from xsdata.utils import namespaces

[docs]class ElementNode(XmlNode): """ XmlNode for complex elements and dataclasses. :param meta: Model xml metadata :param attrs: Key-value attribute mapping :param ns_map: Namespace prefix-URI map :param config: Parser configuration :param context: Model context provider :param position: The node position of objects cache :param mixed: The node supports mixed content :param derived_factory: Derived element factory :param xsi_type: The xml type substitution :param xsi_nil: The xml type substitution """ __slots__ = ( "meta", "attrs", "ns_map", "config", "context", "position", "mixed", "derived_factory", "xsi_type", "xsi_nil", "assigned", "tail_processed", ) def __init__( self, meta: XmlMeta, attrs: Dict, ns_map: Dict, config: ParserConfig, context: XmlContext, position: int, mixed: bool = False, derived_factory: Optional[Type] = None, xsi_type: Optional[str] = None, xsi_nil: Optional[bool] = None, ): self.meta = meta self.attrs = attrs self.ns_map = ns_map self.config = config self.context = context self.position = position self.mixed = mixed self.derived_factory = derived_factory self.xsi_type = xsi_type self.xsi_nil = xsi_nil self.assigned: Set[int] = set() self.tail_processed: bool = False
[docs] def bind( self, qname: str, text: Optional[str], tail: Optional[str], objects: List ) -> bool: obj: Any = None if not self.xsi_nil or self.meta.nillable: params: Dict = {} self.bind_attrs(params) self.bind_content(params, text, tail, objects) obj = self.config.class_factory(self.meta.clazz, params) if self.derived_factory: obj = self.derived_factory(qname=qname, value=obj, type=self.xsi_type) objects.append((qname, obj)) if self.mixed and not self.tail_processed: tail = ParserUtils.normalize_content(tail) if tail: objects.append((None, tail)) return True
def bind_content( self, params: Dict, text: Optional[str], tail: Optional[str], objects: List[Any] ): wild_var = self.meta.find_any_wildcard() if wild_var and wild_var.mixed: self.bind_mixed_objects(params, wild_var, objects) bind_text = False else: self.bind_objects(params, objects) bind_text = self.bind_text(params, text) if not bind_text and wild_var: self.bind_wild_text(params, wild_var, text, tail) self.tail_processed = True for key in params.keys(): if isinstance(params[key], PendingCollection): params[key] = params[key].evaluate()
[docs] def bind_attrs(self, params: Dict): """Parse the given element's attributes and any text content and return a dictionary of field names and values based on the given class metadata.""" if not self.attrs: return for qname, value in self.attrs.items(): var = self.meta.find_attribute(qname) if var and not in params: self.bind_attr(params, var, value) else: var = self.meta.find_any_attributes(qname) if var: self.bind_any_attr(params, var, qname, value) else: if self.config.fail_on_unknown_attributes: raise ParserError( f"Unknown attribute {self.meta.qname}:{qname}" )
def bind_attr(self, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, value: Any): if var.init: params[] = ParserUtils.parse_value( value=value, types=var.types, default=var.default, ns_map=self.ns_map, tokens_factory=var.tokens_factory, format=var.format, ) def bind_any_attr(self, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, qname: str, value: Any): if not in params: params[] = {} params[][qname] = ParserUtils.parse_any_attribute(value, self.ns_map)
[docs] def bind_objects(self, params: Dict, objects: List): """Return a dictionary of qualified object names and their values for the given queue item.""" position = self.position for qname, value in objects[position:]: if not self.bind_object(params, qname, value): logger.warning("Unassigned parsed object %s", qname) del objects[position:]
def bind_object(self, params: Dict, qname: str, value: Any) -> bool: for var in self.meta.find_children(qname): if var.is_wildcard: return self.bind_wild_var(params, var, qname, value) if self.bind_var(params, var, value): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def bind_var(cls, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, value: Any) -> bool: """ Add the given value to the params dictionary with the var name as key. Wrap the value to a list if var is a list. If the var name already exists it means we have a name conflict and the parser needs to lookup for any available wildcard fields. :return: Whether the binding process was successful or not. """ if var.init: if var.list_element: items = params.get( if items is None: params[] = PendingCollection([value], var.factory) else: items.append(value) elif not in params: params[] = value else: return False return True
[docs] def bind_wild_var(self, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, qname: str, value: Any) -> bool: """ Add the given value to the params dictionary with the wildcard var name as key. If the key is already present wrap the previous value into a generic AnyElement instance. If the previous value is already a generic instance add the current value as a child object. """ value = self.prepare_generic_value(qname, value, var) if var.list_element: items = params.get( if items is None: params[] = PendingCollection([value], var.factory) else: items.append(value) elif in params: previous = params[] if previous.qname: factory = self.context.class_type.any_element params[] = factory(children=[previous]) params[].children.append(value) else: params[] = value return True
[docs] def bind_mixed_objects(self, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, objects: List): """Return a dictionary of qualified object names and their values for the given mixed content xml var.""" pos = self.position params[] = [ self.prepare_generic_value(qname, value, var) for qname, value in objects[pos:] ] del objects[pos:]
[docs] def prepare_generic_value( self, qname: Optional[str], value: Any, var: XmlVar ) -> Any: """Prepare parsed value before binding to a wildcard field.""" if qname: any_factory = self.context.class_type.any_element derived_factory = self.context.class_type.derived_element if not self.context.class_type.is_model(value): value = any_factory(qname=qname, text=converter.serialize(value)) elif not isinstance( value, (any_factory, derived_factory) ) and not var.find_choice(qname): meta = self.context.fetch(type(value)) xsi_type = namespaces.real_xsi_type(qname, meta.target_qname) value = derived_factory(qname=qname, value=value, type=xsi_type) return value
[docs] def bind_text(self, params: Dict, text: Optional[str]) -> bool: """ Add the given element's text content if any to the params dictionary with the text var name as key. Return if any data was bound. """ var = self.meta.text if not var or (text is None and not self.xsi_nil): return False if var.init: if self.xsi_nil and not text: params[] = None else: params[] = ParserUtils.parse_value( value=text, types=var.types, default=var.default, ns_map=self.ns_map, tokens_factory=var.tokens_factory, format=var.format, ) return True
[docs] def bind_wild_text( self, params: Dict, var: XmlVar, txt: Optional[str], tail: Optional[str] ) -> bool: """ Extract the text and tail content and bind it accordingly in the params dictionary. Return if any data was bound. - var is a list prepend the text and append the tail. - var is present in the params assign the text and tail to the generic object. - Otherwise bind the given element to a new generic object. """ txt = ParserUtils.normalize_content(txt) tail = ParserUtils.normalize_content(tail) if txt is None and tail is None: return False if var.list_element: items = params.get( if items is None: params[] = items = PendingCollection(None, var.factory) if txt: items.insert(0, txt) if tail: items.append(tail) else: previous = params.get(, None) factory = self.context.class_type.any_element generic = factory( text=txt, tail=tail, attributes=ParserUtils.parse_any_attributes(self.attrs, self.ns_map), ) if previous: generic.children.append(previous) params[] = generic return True
[docs] def child(self, qname: str, attrs: Dict, ns_map: Dict, position: int) -> XmlNode: for var in self.meta.find_children(qname): unique = 0 if not var.is_element or var.list_element else var.index if not unique or unique not in self.assigned: node = self.build_node(var, attrs, ns_map, position) if node: if unique: self.assigned.add(unique) return node if self.config.fail_on_unknown_properties: raise ParserError(f"Unknown property {self.meta.qname}:{qname}") return nodes.SkipNode()
def build_node( self, var: XmlVar, attrs: Dict, ns_map: Dict, position: int ) -> Optional[XmlNode]: if var.is_clazz_union: return nodes.UnionNode( var=var, attrs=attrs, ns_map=ns_map, config=self.config, context=self.context, position=position, ) xsi_type = ParserUtils.xsi_type(attrs, ns_map) xsi_nil = ParserUtils.xsi_nil(attrs) derived_factory = self.context.class_type.derived_element if var.clazz: return self.build_element_node( var.clazz, attrs, ns_map, position, derived_factory if var.derived else None, xsi_type, xsi_nil, ) if not var.any_type and not var.is_wildcard: return nodes.PrimitiveNode(var, ns_map, derived_factory) datatype = DataType.from_qname(xsi_type) if xsi_type else None derived = var.derived or var.is_wildcard if datatype: return nodes.StandardNode( datatype, ns_map, var.nillable, derived_factory if derived else None ) node = None clazz = None if xsi_type: clazz = self.context.find_type(xsi_type) if clazz: node = self.build_element_node( clazz, attrs, ns_map, position, derived_factory if derived else None, xsi_type, xsi_nil, ) if node: return node return nodes.WildcardNode( var=var, attrs=attrs, ns_map=ns_map, position=position, factory=self.context.class_type.any_element, ) def build_element_node( self, clazz: Type, attrs: Dict, ns_map: Dict, position: int, derived_factory: Optional[Type] = None, xsi_type: Optional[str] = None, xsi_nil: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Optional[XmlNode]: meta = self.context.fetch(clazz, self.meta.namespace, xsi_type) if not meta or (meta.nillable and xsi_nil is False): return None return ElementNode( meta=meta, config=self.config, attrs=attrs, ns_map=ns_map, context=self.context, position=position, derived_factory=derived_factory, xsi_type=xsi_type, xsi_nil=xsi_nil, mixed=self.meta.mixed_content, )