
Install using pip#

The recommended method is to use a virtual environment.

$ pip install xsdata[cli,lxml,soap]


  • Install the cli requirements for the code generator

  • Install the soap requirements for the builtin wsdl client

  • Install lxml if you want to use one of the lxml handlers/writers instead of the builtin python xml implementations.

xsdata has a monthly release cycle, in order to use the latest updates you can also install directly from the git repo.

$ pip install git+[cli,lxml]

Install using conda#

$ conda install -c conda-forge xsdata

Verify installation#

Verify installation using the cli entry point.

xsdata --help
Usage: xsdata [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Xsdata command line interface.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  generate*    Generate code from xml schemas, webservice definitions and...
  download     Download a schema or a definition locally with all its...
  init-config  Create or update a configuration file.


xsData relies on these awesome libraries and supports python >= 3.7