Source code for xsdata.codegen.transformer

import os
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen

from xsdata.codegen.analyzer import ClassAnalyzer
from xsdata.codegen.mappers.definitions import DefinitionsMapper
from xsdata.codegen.mappers.schema import SchemaMapper
from xsdata.codegen.models import Class
from xsdata.codegen.parsers.definitions import DefinitionsParser
from xsdata.codegen.parsers.schema import SchemaParser
from xsdata.codegen.writer import CodeWriter
from xsdata.exceptions import CodeGenerationError
from xsdata.logger import logger
from xsdata.models.config import GeneratorConfig
from xsdata.models.enums import COMMON_SCHEMA_DIR
from xsdata.models.wsdl import Definitions
from xsdata.models.xsd import Import
from xsdata.models.xsd import Include
from xsdata.models.xsd import Override
from xsdata.models.xsd import Redefine
from xsdata.models.xsd import Schema
from xsdata.utils import collections

Included = Union[Import, Include, Redefine, Override]

[docs]@dataclass class SchemaTransformer: """ Orchestrate the code generation from a list of sources to the output format. :param print: Print to stdout the generated output :param config: Generator configuration """ print: bool config: GeneratorConfig class_map: Dict[str, List[Class]] = field(init=False, default_factory=dict) processed: List[str] = field(init=False, default_factory=list)
[docs] def process_definitions(self, uri: str): """Process a single wsdl resource.""" definitions = self.parse_definitions(uri, namespace=None) collections.apply(definitions.schemas, self.convert_schema) self.convert_definitions(definitions) self.process_classes()
[docs] def process_schemas(self, uris: List[str]): """ Run main processes. :param uris: list of uris to process """ collections.apply(uris, self.process_schema) self.process_classes()
[docs] def process_classes(self): """Process the generated classes and write or print the final output.""" classes = [cls for classes in self.class_map.values() for cls in classes] class_num, inner_num = self.count_classes(classes) if class_num: "Analyzer input: %d main and %d inner classes", class_num, inner_num ) self.assign_packages() classes = self.analyze_classes(classes) class_num, inner_num = self.count_classes(classes) "Analyzer output: %d main and %d inner classes", class_num, inner_num ) writer = CodeWriter.from_config(self.config) if self.print: writer.print(classes) else: writer.write(classes) else: raise CodeGenerationError("Nothing to generate.")
[docs] def process_schema(self, uri: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None): """ Parse and convert schema to codegen models. Avoid processing the same uri twice and fail silently if anything goes wrong with fetching and parsing the schema document. """ if uri in self.processed: logger.debug("Skipping already processed: %s", os.path.basename(uri)) else:"Parsing schema %s", os.path.basename(uri)) self.processed.append(uri) schema = self.parse_schema(uri, namespace) if schema: self.convert_schema(schema)
[docs] def convert_schema(self, schema: Schema): """Convert a schema instance to codegen classes and process imports to other schemas.""" for sub in schema.included(): if sub.location: self.process_schema(sub.location, schema.target_namespace) assert schema.location is not None self.class_map[schema.location] = self.generate_classes(schema)
[docs] def convert_definitions(self, definitions: Definitions): """Convert a definitions instance to codegen classes.""" assert definitions.location is not None key = definitions.location classes = self.class_map.setdefault(key, []).extend(classes)
[docs] def generate_classes(self, schema: Schema) -> List[Class]: """Convert and return the given schema tree to classes.""" uri = schema.location"Compiling schema %s", "..." if not uri else os.path.basename(uri)) classes = class_num, inner_num = self.count_classes(classes) if class_num > 0:"Builder: %d main and %d inner classes", class_num, inner_num) return classes
[docs] @classmethod def parse_schema(cls, uri: str, namespace: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Schema]: """ Parse the given schema uri and return the schema tree object. Optionally add the target namespace if the schema is included and is missing a target namespace. """ try: input_stream = cls.load_resource(uri) except OSError: logger.warning("Schema not found %s", uri) else: parser = SchemaParser(target_namespace=namespace, location=uri) return parser.from_bytes(input_stream, Schema) return None
[docs] def parse_definitions(self, uri: str, namespace: Optional[str]) -> Definitions: """ Parse recursively the given wsdl uri and return the definitions tree object. :raises OSError: if it fails to load the definition uri. """ input_stream = self.load_resource(uri) parser = DefinitionsParser(target_namespace=namespace, location=uri) definitions = parser.from_bytes(input_stream, Definitions) namespace = definitions.target_namespace for imp in definitions.imports: if not imp.location: continue _, extension = os.path.splitext(imp.location) if extension == ".wsdl": sub_definition = self.parse_definitions(imp.location, namespace) definitions.merge(sub_definition) else: self.process_schema(imp.location) return definitions
[docs] @classmethod def load_resource(cls, uri: str) -> bytes: """ Read and return the contents of the given uri. :raises OSError: if it fails during open/read . """ return urlopen(uri).read() # nosec
[docs] def analyze_classes(self, classes: List[Class]) -> List[Class]: """Analyzer the given class list and simplify attributes and extensions.""" return ClassAnalyzer.process(classes, self.config)
[docs] def count_classes(self, classes: List[Class]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return a tuple of counters for the main and inner classes.""" main = len(classes) inner = 0 for cls in classes: inner += sum(self.count_classes(cls.inner)) return main, inner
[docs] def assign_packages(self): """Group uris by common path and auto assign package names to all classes.""" prev = "" index = 0 groups = defaultdict(list) package = self.config.output.package common_schemas_dir = COMMON_SCHEMA_DIR.as_uri() for key in sorted(self.class_map.keys()): if key.startswith(common_schemas_dir): groups[0].append(key) else: key_parsed = urlparse(key) common_path = os.path.commonpath((prev, key)) if not common_path or common_path == key_parsed.scheme: index += 1 prev = key groups[index].append(key) for keys in groups.values(): common_path = ( os.path.dirname(keys[0]) if len(keys) == 1 else os.path.commonpath(keys) ) for key in keys: items = self.class_map[key] suffix = ".".join(Path(key).parent.relative_to(common_path).parts) package_name = f"{package}.{suffix}" if suffix else package self.assign_package(items, package_name)
[docs] @classmethod def assign_package(cls, classes: List[Class], package: str): """Assign the given package to all the classes and their inners.""" for obj in classes: obj.package = package cls.assign_package(obj.inner, package)