Source code for xsdata.models.enums

from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Optional
from xml.etree.ElementTree import QName

COMMON_SCHEMA_DIR = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.joinpath("schemas/")

[docs]class Namespace(Enum): """Common namespaces.""" XS = ("", "xs") XML = ("", "xml") XSI = ("", "xsi") XLINK = ("", "xlink") XHTML = ("", "xhtml") SOAP11 = ("", "soap") SOAP12 = ("", "soap12") SOAP_ENV = ("", "soap-env") def __init__(self, uri: str, prefix: str): self.uri = uri self.prefix = prefix @property def location(self) -> Optional[str]: local_path = COMMON_SCHEMA_DIR.joinpath(f"{self.prefix}.xsd") return local_path.as_uri() if local_path.exists() else None
[docs] @classmethod def get_enum(cls, uri: Optional[str]) -> Optional["Namespace"]: return __STANDARD_NAMESPACES__.get(uri) if uri else None
__STANDARD_NAMESPACES__ = {ns.uri: ns for ns in Namespace}
[docs]class QNames: """Common qualified names.""" XSI_NIL = f"{{{Namespace.XSI.uri}}}nil" XSI_TYPE = f"{{{Namespace.XSI.uri}}}type"
[docs]class NamespaceType: """ Wildcard elements/attributes namespace types. :cvar ANY: elements from any namespace is allowed :cvar OTHER: elements from any namespace other than the parent element's namespace :cvar LOCAL: elements must come from no namespace :cvar TARGET: elements from the namespace of the parent element can be present """ ANY = "##any" OTHER = "##other" LOCAL = "##local" TARGET = "##targetNamespace"
[docs]class FormType(Enum): """Element/Attribute form types.""" QUALIFIED = "qualified" UNQUALIFIED = "unqualified"
[docs]class Mode(Enum): """OpenContent mode types.""" NONE = "none" SUFFIX = "suffix" INTERLEAVE = "interleave"
[docs]class DataType(Enum): """Xml and Schema data types to native python.""" ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE = ("anyAtomicType", str) ANY_URI = ("anyURI", str) ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE = ("anySimpleType", object) ANY_TYPE = ("anyType", object) BASE = ("base", str) BASE64_BINARY = ("base64Binary", str) BOOLEAN = ("boolean", bool) BYTE = ("byte", int) DATE = ("date", str) DATE_TIME = ("dateTime", str) DATE_TIMESTAMP = ("dateTimeStamp", str) DAY_TIME_DURATION = ("dayTimeDuration", str) YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = ("yearMonthDuration", str) DECIMAL = ("decimal", Decimal) DERIVATION_CONTROL = ("derivationControl", str) DOUBLE = ("double", Decimal) DURATION = ("duration", str) ENTITIES = ("ENTITIES", str) ENTITY = ("ENTITY", str) ERROR = ("error", str) FLOAT = ("float", float) G_DAY = ("gDay", str) G_MONTH = ("gMonth", str) G_MONTH_DAY = ("gMonthDay", str) G_YEAR = ("gYear", str) G_YEAR_MONTH = ("gYearMonth", str) HEX_BINARY = ("hexBinary", str) ID = ("ID", str) IDREF = ("IDREF", str) IDREFS = ("IDREFS", str) INT = ("int", int) INTEGER = ("integer", int) LANG = ("lang", str) LANGUAGE = ("language", str) LONG = ("long", int) NAME = ("Name", str) NCNAME = ("NCName", str) NEGATIVE_INTEGER = ("negativeInteger", int) NMTOKEN = ("NMTOKEN", str) NMTOKENS = ("NMTOKENS", str) NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER = ("nonNegativeInteger", int) NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER = ("nonPositiveInteger", int) NORMALIZED_STRING = ("normalizedString", str) NOTATION = ("NOTATION", str) POSITIVE_INTEGER = ("positiveInteger", int) QNAME = ("QName", QName) SHORT = ("short", int) SIMPLE_DERIVATION_SET = ("simpleDerivationSet", str) STRING = ("string", str) TIME = ("time", str) TOKEN = ("token", str) UNSIGNED_BYTE = ("unsignedByte", int) UNSIGNED_INT = ("unsignedInt", int) UNSIGNED_LONG = ("unsignedLong", int) UNSIGNED_SHORT = ("unsignedShort", int) def __init__(self, code: str, local: type): self.code = code self.local = local @property def qname(self) -> str: return f"{{{Namespace.XS.uri}}}{self.code}" @property def local_name(self) -> str: return self.local.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def get_enum(cls, code: str) -> Optional["DataType"]: return __DataTypeCodeIndex__.get(code) if code else None
[docs] @classmethod def from_value(cls, value: Any) -> "DataType": if isinstance(value, bool): return DataType.BOOLEAN if isinstance(value, int): return DataType.INT if isinstance(value, float): return DataType.FLOAT if isinstance(value, Decimal): return DataType.DECIMAL if isinstance(value, QName): return DataType.QNAME return DataType.STRING
[docs] @classmethod def from_qname(cls, qname: str) -> Optional["DataType"]: return __DataTypeQNameIndex__.get(qname)
__DataTypeCodeIndex__ = {xsd.code: xsd for xsd in DataType} __DataTypeQNameIndex__ = {xsd.qname: xsd for xsd in DataType}
[docs]class EventType: """XmlParsing event types.""" START = "start" START_NS = "start-ns" END = "end"
[docs]class Tag: """Xml Schema tag names.""" ALL = "All" ANNOTATION = "Annotation" ANY = "Any" ANY_ATTRIBUTE = "AnyAttribute" APPINFO = "Appinfo" ASSERTION = "Assertion" ALTERNATIVE = "Alternative" ATTRIBUTE = "Attribute" ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = "AttributeGroup" CHOICE = "Choice" COMPLEX_CONTENT = "ComplexContent" COMPLEX_TYPE = "ComplexType" DOCUMENTATION = "Documentation" ELEMENT = "Element" EXTENSION = "Extension" FIELD = "Field" GROUP = "Group" IMPORT = "Import" INCLUDE = "Include" KEY = "Key" KEYREF = "Keyref" LIST = "List" NOTATION = "Notation" OVERRIDE = "Override" REDEFINE = "Redefine" RESTRICTION = "Restriction" SCHEMA = "Schema" SELECTOR = "Selector" SEQUENCE = "Sequence" SIMPLE_CONTENT = "SimpleContent" SIMPLE_TYPE = "SimpleType" UNION = "Union" UNIQUE = "Unique" # Restrictions ENUMERATION = "Enumeration" FRACTION_DIGITS = "FractionDigits" LENGTH = "Length" MAX_EXCLUSIVE = "MaxExclusive" MAX_INCLUSIVE = "MaxInclusive" MAX_LENGTH = "MaxLength" MIN_EXCLUSIVE = "MinExclusive" MIN_INCLUSIVE = "MinInclusive" MIN_LENGTH = "MinLength" PATTERN = "Pattern" TOTAL_DIGITS = "TotalDigits" WHITE_SPACE = "WhiteSpace"
[docs] @classmethod def names(cls) -> Iterator[str]: """Return as an iterator all the possible tag names.""" for key, value in cls.__dict__.items(): if key[0].isupper(): yield value
[docs]class UseType(Enum): """Attribute use types.""" OPTIONAL = "optional" PROHIBITED = "prohibited" REQUIRED = "required"
[docs]class ProcessType(Enum): """Wildcard process types.""" LAX = "lax" SKIP = "skip" STRICT = "strict"
[docs]class BindingStyle(Enum): RPC = "rpc" DOCUMENT = "document"
[docs]class UseChoice(Enum): LITERAL = "literal" ENCODED = "encoded"