Source code for xsdata.utils.text

from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

[docs]def prefix(string: str, sep: str = ":") -> str: """Return the first part of the string before the separator.""" return split(string, sep)[0]
[docs]def suffix(string: str, sep: str = ":") -> str: """Return the last part of the string after the separator.""" return split(string, sep)[1]
[docs]def split(string: str, sep: str = ":") -> Tuple: """ Separate the given string with the given separator and return a tuple of the prefix and suffix. If the separator isn't present in the string return None as prefix. """ left, _, right = string.partition(sep) return (left, right) if right else (None, left)
[docs]def capitalize(string: str) -> str: """Capitalize the given string.""" return string[0].upper() + string[1:]
[docs]def pascal_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert the given string to pascal case.""" return "".join(map(str.title, split_words(string)))
[docs]def camel_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert the given string to camel case.""" result = "".join(map(str.title, split_words(string))) return result[0].lower() + result[1:]
[docs]def mixed_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert the given string to mixed case.""" return "".join(split_words(string))
[docs]def mixed_snake_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert the given string to mixed snake case.""" return "_".join(split_words(string))
[docs]def snake_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert the given string to snake case.""" return "_".join(map(str.lower, split_words(string)))
[docs]def split_words(string: str) -> List[str]: """Split a string on new capital letters and not alphanumeric characters.""" words: List[str] = [] buffer: List[str] = [] previous = None def flush(): if buffer: words.append("".join(buffer)) buffer.clear() for char in string: tp = classify(char) if tp == StringType.OTHER: flush() elif not previous or tp == previous: buffer.append(char) elif tp == StringType.UPPER and previous != StringType.UPPER: flush() buffer.append(char) else: buffer.append(char) previous = tp flush() return words
[docs]class StringType: UPPER = 1 LOWER = 2 NUMERIC = 3 OTHER = 4
[docs]def classify(character: str) -> int: """String classifier.""" if character.isupper(): return StringType.UPPER if character.islower(): return StringType.LOWER if character.isnumeric(): return StringType.NUMERIC return StringType.OTHER