Source code for xsdata.codegen.handlers.attribute_mixed_content

import sys

from xsdata.codegen.mixins import HandlerInterface
from xsdata.codegen.models import Attr
from xsdata.codegen.models import AttrType
from xsdata.codegen.models import Class
from xsdata.codegen.models import Restrictions
from xsdata.models.enums import DataType
from xsdata.models.enums import NamespaceType
from xsdata.models.enums import Tag
from xsdata.utils.collections import first

[docs]class AttributeMixedContentHandler(HandlerInterface): """Add/Update a wildcard field for classes that support mixed content."""
[docs] @classmethod def process(cls, target: Class): """Add or update an existing an xs:anyType derived attribute if the target class supports mixed content.""" if not target.mixed: return wildcard = first(attr for attr in target.attrs if attr.tag == Tag.ANY) if wildcard: wildcard.mixed = True if not wildcard.is_list: wildcard.restrictions.min_occurs = 0 wildcard.restrictions.max_occurs = sys.maxsize else: attr = Attr( name="content", local_name="content", index=0, types=[AttrType(qname=str(DataType.ANY_TYPE), native=True)], tag=Tag.ANY, mixed=True, namespace=NamespaceType.ANY_NS, restrictions=Restrictions(min_occurs=0, max_occurs=sys.maxsize), ) target.attrs.insert(0, attr)