WSDL (Experimental)

The implementation is experimental and currently only WSDL 1.1 and SOAP 1.1 bindings have been implemented.

The code generator in addition to models derived from xml schemas will also generate dataclasses for messages and simple classes to describe the unique operations.

$ xsdata --wsdl --package calculator

Message Model

The message models are not any different to xsd derived classes and include the complete structure of the Envelope wrapper.

class CalculatorSoapSubtractOutput:
    :ivar body:
    class Meta:
        name = "Envelope"
        namespace = ""

    body: Optional["CalculatorSoapSubtractOutput.Body"] = field(

    class Body:
        :ivar subtract_response:
        subtract_response: Optional[SubtractResponse] = field(

Operation Class

The DefinitionsMapper will generate simple static classes to describe all the unique operations and the binding procedure.

class CalculatorSoapDivide:
    style = "document"
    location = ""
    transport = ""
    soap_action = ""
    input = CalculatorSoapDivideInput
    output = CalculatorSoapDivideOutput


The Client is a proxy for consuming web services. The client needs a web service Config with the directives to process requests and responses.

Optionally you can also provide and override

Creating instances

The client can be initialized from the an operation class directly

>>> client = Client.from_service(CalculatorSoapAdd)
>>> client.config
Config(style='document', location='', transport='', soap_action='', input=<class ''>, output=<class ''>)

But you can also override any properties as you see fit

>>> client = Client.from_service(CalculatorSoapAdd, location="")
>>> client.config
Config(style='document', location='', transport='', soap_action='', input=<class ''>, output=<class ''>)

Or if you know what you are doing

>>> config = Config(
...         style="document",
...         location="",
...         transport=TransportTypes.SOAP,
...         soap_action="",
...         input=None,
...         output=None,
...     )
>>> client = Client(config=config)

Performing Requests

The send method requires either an object that matches the config input type or a dictionary with raw values that matches the input dataclass field names and structure.

>>> request = CalculatorSoapAddInput(body=CalculatorSoapAddInput.Body(add=Add(10, 2)))
>>> res = client.send(request)
>>> res
>>> client = Client.from_service(CalculatorSoapAdd)
>>> params = {"body": {"add": {"int_a": 3, "int_b": 4}}}
>>> res = client.send(params)
>>> res

You can also provide a dictionary of custom headers as well, although the headers that are needed for the webservice to work can not be overwritten.,

>>> client.send(params, headers={"User-Agent": "xsdata"})