XML Binding


The parser has three instance methods from_string, from_bytes and from_path, to parse from memory or to let the parser load the input document. All of them require the target class Type to bind the input data.


config (ParserConfig)






A base URL for when parsing from memory and you want support for relative links eg xinclude, default: None



Process xinclude statements. , default: False



Should fail on unknown properties that can’t be mapped to any wildcard field, default: True

context (XmlContext)

It’s the cache layer for the binding directives of models and their fields. You may share a context instance between parser/serializer instances to avoid compiling the cache more than once.


it’s recommended to use a static or global instance of your parser or serializer per document type.

Example: from path

>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import XmlParser
>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.config import ParserConfig

>>> config = ParserConfig(fail_on_unknown_properties=True)
>>> parser = XmlParser(config=config)
>>> order = parser.from_path("docs/examples/primer.xml", PurchaseOrder)
>>> order.bill_to
Usaddress(name='Robert Smith', street='8 Oak Avenue', city='Old Town', state='PA', zip=95819.0, country='US')

Example: from memory

With support for XML Inclusions

>>> path = fixtures_dir.joinpath("books/books-xinclude.xml")
>>> config = ParserConfig(process_xinclude=True, base_url=path.as_uri())
>>> parser = XmlParser(config=config)
>>> actual = parser.from_bytes(path.read_bytes(), Books)


The serializer can also be initialized with a xml context instance, if your use case needs to parse and serialize the same type of objects you could share the same xml context instance between them to save on memory and processing.

>>> import pprint
>>> from docs.examples.primer import PurchaseOrder, Items, Usaddress
>>> from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import XmlSerializer

>>> item = Items.Item(product_name="duct tape", quantity=99, usprice=19.99)
>>> items = Items()
>>> items.item.append(item)
>>> address = Usaddress(name="Chris", street="Sesame", city="New York", state="New York", zip="123", country="US")
>>> order = PurchaseOrder(ship_to=address, bill_to=address, items=items)

>>> serializer = XmlSerializer(pretty_print=True)
>>> pprint.pprint(serializer.render(order))
("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
 '  <shipTo country="US">\n'
 '    <name>Chris</name>\n'
 '    <street>Sesame</street>\n'
 '    <city>New York</city>\n'
 '    <state>New York</state>\n'
 '    <zip>123</zip>\n'
 '  </shipTo>\n'
 '  <billTo country="US">\n'
 '    <name>Chris</name>\n'
 '    <street>Sesame</street>\n'
 '    <city>New York</city>\n'
 '    <state>New York</state>\n'
 '    <zip>123</zip>\n'
 '  </billTo>\n'
 '  <items>\n'
 '    <item>\n'
 '      <productName>duct tape</productName>\n'
 '      <quantity>99</quantity>\n'
 '      <USPrice>19.99</USPrice>\n'
 '    </item>\n'
 '  </items>\n'