Command Line

Make sure the cli requirements are installed.

$ pip install xsdata[cli]
$ xsdata --help
Usage: xsdata [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  xsdata command line interface.

  --version            Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  generate*    Generate code from xml schemas, webservice definitions and...
  download     Download a schema or a definition locally with all its...
  init-config  Create or update a configuration file.

Generate Code

$ xsdata generate --help
Usage: xsdata generate [OPTIONS] SOURCE

  Generate code from xml schemas, webservice definitions and any xml

  The input source can be either a filepath, uri or a directory containing
  xml, xsd, wsdl files.

  -c, --config TEXT               Specify a configuration file with advanced

  -p, --package TEXT              Specify the target package to be created
                                  inside the current working directory
                                  Default: generated
                                  The generated module structure relies on the
                                  common input source path
                                  Use the --ns-struct option for a more flat
                                  structure and to avoid circular import

  -o, --output [dataclasses]      Specify the output format from the builtin
                                  code generator and any third party installed
                                  plugins. Default: dataclasses

  -ds, --docstring-style [reStructuredText|NumPy|Google|Accessible]
                                  Specify the docstring style for the default
                                  output format. Default: reStructuredText

  -ns, --ns-struct                Use namespaces to group classes in modules.
                                  Useful against circular import errors.

  -cf, --compound-fields          Use compound fields for repeating choices in
                                  order to maintain elements ordering between
                                  data binding operations.

  -pp, --print                    Print to console instead of writing the
                                  generated output to files

  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Scan directory for xsd, wsdl, xml files
$ xsdata amadeus/schemas --package amadeus.models
Convert a local schema
$ xsdata air_v48_0/AirReqRsp.xsd rail_v48_0/RailReqRsp.xsd --package travelport.models
Convert a remote schema
$ xsdata --package feeds --print
Convert a remote xml file
$ xsdata --print

Output plugins

Initialize Config

Initialize a project configuration with more advanced features, see more.

$ xsdata init-config --help
Usage: xsdata init-config [OPTIONS] [OUTPUT]

  Create or update a configuration file.

  -pp, --print  Print output
  --help        Show this message and exit.
$ xsdata amadeus/schemas --config amadeus/.xsdata.xml

Download Schemas

$ xsdata download --help
Usage: xsdata download [OPTIONS] SOURCE

  Download a schema or a definition locally with all its dependencies.

  -o, --output PATH  Output directory, default cwd
  --help             Show this message and exit.


Check the Examples and the samples repo for more ✨✨✨